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Which jews harp is best for a beginner?

ZS68 "Atilla Big" Doromb

ZS68 "Atilla Big" Doromb ' . L('index_recommended_1') . '
Hungarian Dorombs /
Oberton Pro Lab measurements:
Gaps: 30-150 µm (?)
Base frequency: 55-100 Hz (?)
Reed hardness: 50-100 gf (?)
Frame hardness: 50-150 gf (?)
Reed size: 75-85x20-25 mm
Overall dimensions: 80-90x60x6-7 mm (?)
Weight: 40-50 g
132 USD
Is case included: woodblock (?)
Compatible Cases and Other Accessories

Shipping: from 2 USD (more...)
Stock: Yes (2) (C/2) (?)

best price
ZS68 "Atilla Big" jews harp with a moderately soft reed and loud, bright sound. Gaps are small and sensitivity is high - lightest touch giving distinctive result without efforts. Mechanic properties are not the best - elbow/knee is soft, moving in separate directions with intensive strikes, adding various vibrations - that player will hear and feel by finger. Any speed can be achieved but sound cleanness will be sacrificed proportionally. Reed tip is unfinished and can scratch finger. Randomly it can be weightened with tin, or copper wire. Size, color, pitch, gaps, volume and other acoustic properties can be considerably different from exemplar to exemplar. Overal character is lively - beginners will have many hours of pleasure playing this jews harp. Good for percussive style without using clean overtones.