Current shipping/payment changes: we ship to ALL countries. Some delays (+2-4 weeks) are expected with generic mail for overseas destinations (America, Japan, Australia). Ground destinations (Europe, Asia) can be slower by 1-2 weeks. DHL works perfect. We do accept foreign Visa/MC, PayPal and USDT payments.
Happy New Year! Shipping companies in Russia will not work until Jan 09 - we accepting orders and preparing them for fastest possible mailout.
ZS482 "Rococo Big" Doromb
Rococo The Big - enlarged edition of Rococo. Thick framed, has one of the most chirring and the richest timbres, and still easy in use. Soft reed and large reed elbow work the best at average attack, and you'll get pretty loud sound even with soft strokes. Pay attention to holding the frame while playing - frame is sensitive to tension and the jaw harp is easily provoked to clank. You can avoid that with careful holding the frame. Rococo The Big is quite popular among beginners, but actually once one wants to make some real progress in jaw harp playing (which means to gain more control of sound and advance to perceived playing) then one should also practice playing on jaw harps that don't play with all the colors of sound at the same time.