Current shipping/payment changes: we ship to ALL countries. Some delays (+2-4 weeks) are expected with generic mail for overseas destinations (America, Japan, Australia). Ground destinations (Europe, Asia) can be slower by 1-2 weeks. DHL works perfect. We do accept foreign Visa/MC, PayPal and USDT payments.
Happy New Year! Shipping companies in Russia will not work until Jan 09 - we accepting orders and preparing them for fastest possible mailout.
ZS104 "Black Forest" Doromb
"Black Forest's" timbre is a bit unusual for Siladia's works. It doesn't chirr as much as usually his works do. Or maybe if we imagine that the chirring was slowed down for two times, or for five times, or maybe even ten!.. then we realize that it might still be present in the tone, But it transformed to some interfering f sound waves... Response and control are more than fine, as they usually are at this craftsman's works.