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Which jews harp is best for a beginner?

TV591 "Standard" Kubyz

TV591 "Standard" Kubyz ' . L('index_recommended_1') . ' ' . L('index_recommended_all') . '
Tatar Kubyzes /
Oberton Pro Lab measurements:
Gaps: 30-40 µm (?)
Base frequency: 85-110 Hz (?)
Reed hardness: 110-160 gf (?)
Frame hardness: 100-150 gf (?)
Reed size: 55x15 mm
Overall dimensions: 65x25x5 mm (?)
Weight: 20 g
25 USD
Is case included: woodblock (?)
Compatible Cases and Other Accessories

Shipping: from 2 USD (more...)
Stock: Yes (5+) (n/a, A/2, F#/2, G/2, G#/2) (?)

best price

There are many jews harp with loud, bright, colorful sound. But only tiny amount of them has musical sound and full overtone control. And presented by Oberton Pro Tatar kubyzes are the only instruments with a such qualities, produced in serial manner with a highest degree of quality stability.

It is a perfect instrument for those who making first steps and who play 10 years. Beginners will hear every overtone (jews harp note) - they are not hided by instrument's own saturated timbre, accumulating knowledge about their existence and, therefore, learning to use all of them. Mature players will open world of melodic intonation - not its vowels imitation.

Clean overtone jews harp require special throat and larynx training, made independently from tongue movement. Also standard kubyzes must be handled with great precision or metallic clanging will be produces instead of sound - see more here.

This instrument must have any jewsharper.