Current shipping/payment changes: we ship to ALL countries. Some delays (+2-4 weeks) are expected with generic mail for overseas destinations (America, Japan, Australia). Ground destinations (Europe, Asia) can be slower by 1-2 weeks. DHL works perfect. We do accept foreign Visa/MC, PayPal and USDT payments.
Happy New Year! Shipping companies in Russia will not work until Jan 09 - we accepting orders and preparing them for fastest possible mailout.

Which jews harp is best for a beginner?

1. Items

2. Region

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Choose your country and enter postal code and city to see all delivery options. Details will be asked in the last step.

Postal Code:
Fast delivery service with CoD: ?. Pickup points available: ?
City name was entered manually. Please start enter first letters of city name and select one of offered options to see all delivery options.

3. Shipping

Requesting shipping prices:
(Waiting for )
При предоплате
При оплате наличными при получении
При предоплате
При оплате наличными при получении
При предоплате
При оплате наличными при получении
600 RUB
3500 RUB
6000 RUB
2700 RUB
2000 RUB

*Delivery time calculated based on information from shipping companies. It includes our shipping preparation time and actual for payment at this moment

4. Payment

(not available for selected shipping method/country)
(not available for selected shipping method/country)
(not available for selected shipping method/country)
(not available for selected shipping method/country)
(not available for selected shipping method/country)
(not available for selected shipping method/country)
(not available for selected shipping method/country)
(not available for selected shipping method/country)
(not available for selected shipping method/country)

* Внимание! При доставке почтой с оплатой наложенным платежом (наличными при получении) почтой берется дополнительная комиссия за отправку денежного перевода - от до руб. (в зависимости от региона). При любых других вариантах с оплатой наличными при получении никаких дополнительных сборов нет.
Способы оплаты - Webmoney, Яндекс.Деньги, Qiwi, Paypal, VISA, Mastercard

5. Address

Fill shipping address in English (you can use Russian too if it will be understood by your local postman). Please do not duplicate city and country in street address field.

Street, House, Apartment:
Full Name:
Phone (+country code):

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