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Which jews harp is best for a beginner?

MA1070 Khomus "Khomustah"

MA1070 Khomus "Khomustah" ' . L('index_recommended_1') . '
Yakut Khomuses /
Oberton Pro Lab measurements:
Gaps: 100-150 µm (?)
Base frequency: 70-80 Hz (?)
Reed hardness: 100-120 gf (?)
Frame hardness: 400-600 gf (?)
Reed size: 90x22 mm
Overall dimensions: 100x35x6 mm (?)
Weight: 35 g (60 g with case)
207 USD
Is case included: yes
Compatible Cases and Other Accessories

Shipping: from 2 USD (more...)
Stock: Yes (5+)

best price
Khomus with a clean, by Yakut standards, timbre. Mechanics is good - strokes in both direction giving nearly equal result and feeling, with small amount of trembling. Sensitivity is not highest and sound is slightly duff, but very accurate construction gives smooth and even background without extra loud overtones. Such base allows very comfortable play operating only low-middle part of spectrum - this is just enough.