Current shipping/payment changes: we ship to ALL countries. Some delays (+2-4 weeks) are expected with generic mail for overseas destinations (America, Japan, Australia). Ground destinations (Europe, Asia) can be slower by 1-2 weeks. DHL works perfect. We do accept foreign Visa/MC, PayPal and USDT payments.
Happy New Year! Shipping companies in Russia will not work until Jan 09 - we accepting orders and preparing them for fastest possible mailout.
Vargan Ekb
The huge number of different models of jaw harps from this workshop, in fact, differ only in design. Even though the length of the tongues is different, the main acoustic/timbral characteristics differ at the level of microscopic nuances, and the global aspect - the pitch of the sound - is taken beyond the models: any can be made in any note. That is, when comparing different models with the same tuning, they are almost identical. When tuning by changing the thickness of the tongue, its rigidity also changes, which in principle affects some playing aspects, but not of primary importance.
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Russian Vargans
Warning! Overwhelming majority of jaw harps presented are single pieces or made by hand, in very small quantities, instruments. There is no jaw harp factories exists; every one is unique in details, in different degree.