Current shipping/payment changes: we ship to ALL countries. Some delays (+2-4 weeks) are expected with generic mail for overseas destinations (America, Japan, Australia). Ground destinations (Europe, Asia) can be slower by 1-2 weeks. DHL works perfect. We do accept foreign Visa/MC, PayPal and USDT payments.
Happy New Year! Shipping companies in Russia will not work until Jan 09 - we accepting orders and preparing them for fastest possible mailout.

Which jews harp is best for a beginner?

Please contact us with any questions by email:

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Our address

Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Soyuza Pechatnikov st. (Союза Печатников) 10A.

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Nearest metro stations: Sadovaya/Sennaya/Spasskaya.

Phone only for local question ("how to find"):+7 911 017-88-00

We do not accept orders or consulting about internet-shop workflow by the phone; all typical question can be fouind in comprehensive FAQ page. Please take note, that we may not hear the one sometimes due to workshop machinery working - please check maps before visiting us.

Выставочная комната Обертон Про

You can visit our in any work time to purchase kews harp or get advise about playing, choosing and so on. There is no need to make pickup order... but you can do, of course. More about Oberton Pro...

Any beginner will get tiny but professional lesson for producing basic sounds!